Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Live long and prosper

Nothing new, nothing strange, just average everyday, but it's almost my birthday and soon I shall be...dun dun dah...22! Not that that's particularly special. I mean I can drink, smoke,vote, and drive, what else is there to look froward to. Spinsterhood.
I hope this years birthday is better then the last. It seems they've gotten worse and worse with each passing year, but at least I have friends to share it with now.
Also no sign of the Doctor, but I did have a really cool dream which I can only remember part of...mostly that there was a wolf in it. He was either reddish brown or just brown, I'm really not sure, but his eyes were green and that's about all I remember. Hope to dream again and hoping for the best.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Today was weird. I felt so giggly and happy it was ridiculous. I found myself having to actually try to look mad at those people who annoy me. Very weird occurance. Maybe it was a hormone imbalance. Anyway still got that feeling of impending something. Hopefully whatever it is, it'll come to a head soon. Good or bad I just want whatevers waiting to happen just to happen.