Monday, August 31, 2009

Summer is over

It's been a pretty long forever, but I'm back. Started back to school which means long grueling hours of study and work. Wish it was still summer. Anyhoo haven't had a lot of time for my usual paranormal outreach, but I do have some new spirits i've added to my family. Hellhound, Incubus, Cambion, Vamp. Sang, Astral Dinjinn, Black Dragon, and a Pheonix. They haven't put in much activity, but heres hoping for the best.
Anyhoo still searching for the Doctor and any other things beyond imagination. Hope to find more soon
...almost forgot something... There has been a really weird happening. I recently had a dream about an being in some random foreign country which kind of looked like Israel...anyhow I ended up getting chased by these men and I vaguely got the feeling it had something to do with God. I had a friend who helped keep me hidden, but in the end I get caught, but then rescued by two angels: Michael and Raphael. They kill my main captor and then a earthquake happens killing some of the pop. of the city. After that it's like someone hits rewind and the earthquake never happened, but that guy is still dead. His girlfriend or his sister(not sure)comes after me and the friend. We hide out with this family who is killed by the girlfriend/sister? and her goons. They hurt my friend, but I manged to beat them up. Earthquake happens again, but this time everyone dies except my friend and me.
So at the very end of the dream I some how made it home and I'm pregnant so I tell my dad and he takes as no big deal. Although since I am a virgin and I still was in the dream when the hell did I get pregnant?
Weird dream but it stayed with me for days. Wonder what it meant? Any suggestions feel free to comment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's pretty hard to find meaning in a dream like that. It sounds like a combination of the story of Mary and the Book of Revelations.

Paranormal outreach? :o