Saturday, July 23, 2011


Cheers! Life has been unusually dull for me. It's mostly been work, work, work, and more work. I'm hoping to get a new jobs sometime in the near future, so i'm applying for almost anything. My current job is okay, but I really could do better. Plus I wanna be off on the weekends and have the money to move out. Gonna try and write a little more often, just cause this is kinda fun when I do. Well thats all for now, just a basic update.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Your mom's a floppy disk :P

I really suck at blogging. Mostly cause I forget I have a blog and don't write for like forever...well updates. Running regiment bombed mostly cause I don't like running in front of others and night running is a lot creepier then it sounds. Odd paranormal happenings: Foot steps upstairs when no ones home but me, knocks the usual. They disappeared for the most part when my dad put the jar back under the sink. You see when we moved into our new home there was this jar of cloudy liquid under the sink. My parents moved it into the garage, because of all the weird things i'm into my mom decided it would be better just to keep it. For what ever reason they made the connection between the jar and the noise. For them the noise has stopped for me I still hear things when i'm alone that can't be contributed to house settling. Well that's it for now. More in the future. :)