Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Getting that feeling

Have you ever had the odd feeling that something was going to happen but you didn't know what? I've got that feelig, like something big is going to happen and that I'm going to be there in the middle of it. I know ego trip mondo, but still...it just..I don't know. If what ever is going to happen , happens...I hope it's something good.
looking up

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Well I'm back at school...no more spring break. Not that I really even got a spring break. I was left in El Paso all by my lonesome, but at least Saph brought me back some twilight stuff. So I'm happy about that.
On the weirder side of things, nothing has really happen. Pretty normal as of today. Hoping for something interesting though since its been so boring as of late. Anyways still looking for the Doctor if anyone reads my blog and you have any leads please feel free to share.

Friday, March 20, 2009


I was staring at the sky....and I saw lights. Little shimmery lights, like I guess fairy lights. It was pretty cool and before you say anything no i was not looking into the Sun. Anyways wonder what they were. Not floating eye junk cause I didn't see it after I went inside...hmm very interesting. P is feeling better or at least acting like it. He still suffers from a mild ache, but at least he's going on his walks againg. My poor baby,but I think he' glad he didn't have to go to the vet. Well thats all i have to report. Spring break is over next week, back to the grind.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Reporting in

Nothing really new to report. Today was a day like any other. My dog P is hurting, i feel for him. Maybe i'll try a healing spell. He's getting old, but he's still pretty young, he's only nine...anyways
No sign of much of anything. No weird happeings other the I felt extra giddy today, which could be chalked up to the extra sleep I got this weekend, but i wouldn't count on it.
Something will probably happen to kill my buzz, most likely my father.
If anyone is reading this and has any bizzare info for me that might lead to the Doc, i'd be much obliged. The internet only gives so much info and when you live in a place like El Paso...well not much really occures. Plz and thank you.
peace out

Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring Break

Today is the first day of spring break and I'm spending it alone. My friend Sapphire is going with her sister Ruby to San Diego. Since their the only two people I hang out with...well you get the picture. I plan to spend this break though looking up info on the net and patroling the news. Hopefully I'll find some news that will lead me to the Doctor. For any of those people who choose to follow this blog later, i'm not talkig Doctor Who Doctor, this is MY DOCTOR . I know it sounds extremely crazy and believe me it is, but yeah there you have it. This blog is dedicated to finding him, he probably has a real name, but I don't know it, which is why i'm calling him Doctor. Its familiar and easy to remember.
No real news to report, no strange occurancs...except two days ago which i forgot to mention last time. I saw two lights drop from the sky. I don't know what excactly they were, but they definitly weren't planes.

anyway signing off

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Nothing or interesting has happend to me. On a side note mass visualization on April 10 at 9 est/gmd. Federation of light