Thursday, December 13, 2012

On December 21, 2012...

...the world is suppose to end.  I really hope this isn't true, because i haven't lived yet. I haven't found my person, i haven't had kids, shit i haven't even had sex yet. I really do not want to die a virgin...unless that guarantees me a space in heaven, then I guess i could be okay with that....
In all honesty though I  really do hope this a fools prediction, because I'm way to young to lose out on whats to come. When I stand before God and his angels, I want to have had a life to be proud of. To leave behind a legacy to live on for ages, but if the earths destroyed, then I won't get that.
So God if your listening...i need more time. Please

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Just wanted to post. Not much to say. Life is going slow. I moved out, and am now living on my own. been there for about a month with no paranormal occurrences. Not even and odd dream or two. Maybe it was all my parents house....go fig. Anywho will update laters. Peace

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Unites states vampire service

So yeah found this website the other day. United States vampire service. This is supposedly a government run group contracted through the United States postal service that kills vampires or as they call them "Bugs". First of all their "Bugs" sound more like zombies. They have none of the traits we have come to associate with vampires at all. They are basically hungry humanoid beasts with a craving for flesh and only if you destroy the brain do they die...zombie. Anyhoo that’s not even why I’m writing this.
The thing is I’m pretty sure this is just a book site to promote Vikings, Vampires, and Mailman ya know cause what agencies would put themselves out there like that, unless they're hiding in plain sight right, but then again they have real FBI numbers and info posted on the sight to call in case of a real emergency. I know one of the numbers is indeed real because it connects to the main FBI switch board when you call. So I used one of the contacts listed on the site to talk to a director Othniel O’Connor to ask about the websites authenticity and ask if the number listing was an error. His reply was that just as listed on the website the number was real and should only be called if necessary. That was it. No, this is just for a book and we didn't know the number was real. Odd or what.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Just wanted to post. Not much to say. Life is going slow hoping it gets better.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Here's hoping for a better tomorrow
A brighter future then the one I see
Letting go of yesterdays failure
Trying hard just to break free
Here's praying that the good Lord hears me
That his kind heart will answer my plea
That i won't find my self waiting
For some fool to come rescue me....

Sadly enough I do find myself waiting for a fools rescue, but doesn't every girl wish for a prince or princess charming? I know I do. Sometimes I do feel the need to be saved, especially on the days when the world seems to be intent on destroying me. I wish for someone to stand beside me and love me for the flawed being I am. God has yet to send that person my way, but I'm praying that they'll get here soon, and who knows...maybe i'll be the fool doing the rescuing. :)
Ciao for now

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Made it all the way to February without a post. Not gonna lie life has been...interesting and I'd forgotten I'd had this blog.
So newest occurrence I think my house may be a little haunted. You see a couple of nights ago I had this horrible dream that there was a shooting at my job. Its was extremely vivid. Anyhow i woke up when it got really bad and I just lay there in bed for a while. That dream had been crazy. So I shift around to get comfortable and try to go back to sleep. As i try to drift off i feel a hand in my hair. Like hard petting my hair. so little freaked out but not that bad right? Well what ever is petting my hair sits no the bed next to me then begins pressing down on the back of my neck with some force. Thats when i jerk up and the pressure on my neck and the presence on my bed is gone. Mind you I don't go back to bed, I am now up for the day, but I really wonder what that was. I havent messed with the "paranormal" in a while so I don't know why that occurred, but it hasn't happened since, but then again I also sleep with the lights on and with my rosary(gotta be safe).
I still hear non-house noises when I'm alone. Like walking around and someone rummaging through things in rooms I'm not in. Also it's not just me. My mom has experienced it and so has my dad.
So that's it the most interesting of happenings that have happened in my life. More later I'm out.