Showing posts with label abnormal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abnormal. Show all posts

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Cheers! It seems like forever and a day since I last isn't better or worse just blah really. I've been thinking about the future and the more I think about it the more apprehensive I get. Because there is so much to look forward to, but at the same time so much to fear. It's rather terrifying and I'm not sure if I am ready to face it.
I actually wish that someone like the Doctor really existed. Maybe then I wouldn't be so scared of what is to come, because I'll know that some one is out there to save it.
Bleh...I think I depressed myself. anyhoo.
ciao for now

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Totally crazy stuff

Well I haven't written in a while for two reasons. One I now have a job and two i've been really sick. Anyway whats been going on, well I ended up not sleeping for 24 hours and when i finally did get to go to sleep something wouldn't let me. First there was inappropriate touching and then someone else kept making me repeat training moves over and over again. Before you ask I was awake and the voices were in my head. Crazy souding, maybe but get this I also hear music. The entire house was quiet and I heard music. This happens sometimes even without sleep deprivation. I'll hear conversations or children and things like that.
In other news, still nothing on the Doctor. Yeah I haven't lost hope in that especially with all the crazy stuff going down. Anyways enough for tonight just reporting in to my readers...well reader, but hoping there are more of you. Leave comments they are welcome.
