Monday, May 25, 2009

Back in Black

Wow I haven't written in like forever. I've been just so very busy. I've been taking care of my mom, running around with friends, and I got a new job. Me and retail can you believe it. Only a few bad things: still fat, got totally sidetracked from my diet, but I'm back on. My father is still and asshole. I know my dog has bladder issues which is why if I'm unable to keep an eye on him he stays outside. The dumbass my father is he continues to leave the dog in the house and not watch him. Thus he sees no pee pee or poo ques and then gets pissed at the dog. How are you going to blame the dog for something he really has no control over?Ugh...forgive me for the mini rant its not really what I wanted to talk about but since it just happened I just had to rant.

Anyways, recently I place three ads on craigslist asking for any vampires in my city to contact me. Real vamps, yeah I know it's a crazy thing to do with all the weirdos out there, but I just had to find a way to get the information I wanted. To many contradictions on the net.
Well I got what I wanted. Three of the many people who contacted me claimed to be vamps. All three were males of course. The first one was a sanguine/psi vamp. Although he didn't call himself that. He was just a man who liked to drink blood and drain energy from others so you really can't call him the real deal. Crazy so I let him go.
The second was a really nice guy who actually drank blood as well. He was myth reborn in someways but not in all. He was unaturually old and all that jazz. Very believable though so I didn't count him out as a quack. Very polite, but it wasn't him who truly got me.

"You should leave this subject alone. Trust me." This was the first message I received from a man I will call DS. Each email afterwards he asked me about myself and why I was looking for the information I was looking for. So far even from his short emails he seems genuine. Only problem is the information that I seek can only be given to someone of the blood. Now I don't know what to do. Should I let this continue and go on with it to find out the truth and maybe get mixed up in something really supernatural or infact lose my life to a psycopath or back off. Not email him anymore.
The problem though is he has me really intrigued. What if vampires, the one of legends are truly real. Powerful beings who live for hundreds of years and who drink on blood. Not the posers of today or the lifestylers, or those who say that they are born to it and no one else may enter their way of life.
If this is real...well we'll leave to a later time. I'll keep you updated.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

...and life goes on

Still fat....anyway its been a while since I've written and this time i have something of the paranormal variety to report. Last Saturday while at a friends house i was wishing for something really strange to happen. It was night time and i saw a shooting star, but it wasn't a normal shooting star. I was able to actually follow it with my eyes for a while before it shot off and disappeared. Very freaky. Which makes me bring up another phenomenon i saw last year. It was really weird. It was almost twilight time, but it was still too bright for stars, but i saw one star. I had my camera because i was filming the moon.Anyway i saw this really bright star and filmed it a bit. The feed on my camera was about a minute of filming for the star alone, but i was there for a bit longer. Anyway after i turned of the camera(about ten min later)i looked at the star again and right before my eyes it began to fade away. I've never seen a star fade. Some people told me it was a satellite. Some say I might ave actually witnessed the end of a star, but if that was the case then they would have featured it in some little way on the news. I couldn't find any info of it being a star or a satellite and it would seem that i'm the only one who saw it.
How is it when strange things happen their so little and you find yourself the only witness. Sometimes i wish that someone else had seen these things to so i wouldn't feel so odd, but then thats life for me. Its been that way ever since I was little, which is why I think I wish for a man like the Doctor to be real. Maybe he is make believe, but make believe is sometimes based on truth.
Well if your out there martian man and you some how end up reading this. I'm here and I'm waiting. Please show face soon.
ciao for now

Monday, May 4, 2009

too big

I am way to big. Its gotten past the point of ridiculous. I have to lose weight. I don't feel uhealthy or sluggish or anything like that. I'm actually pretty outdoorsey, but i can't wear the close I like and men seem to ignore me. So maybe if i get rid of all this extra baggage things will get better. So from this hour and on i am hell bent on losing the weight and nothing and no one is gonna stop me. I'm tired of what am.
nothing taste as good as thin feels