Monday, October 5, 2009

another thing

I just realized i have sorry to anyone who leaves comments. Spirit stones are this odd thing I found online. Their stones with spirits bound to them. I adopted them from an online site. Sometime I feel stuff(like warmth or vibrations) from them sometimes not, mostly not.
The whole idea of searching for the Doctor though....hard to explain. You see the idea is based off of a British TV show called Dr. Who very awesome about a time traveling time lord. Very hard to explain but google it you'll get tons.
Anyway I got the idea from that, but then i got to thinking of the world and universal connections of the mind and I thought what if someone like that really does exist. Popping through time bent on saving everything and i thought wouldn't a really weird blog catch his attention. The truth of it is though no one really reads this so it seems doubtful that if there is a real life Doctor that he would read this, but I thought to give it a go. I actually ended up using this sight though for the weird crap that goes on in my life.
So yeah that's the whole of it....oh and cwhite2, thanks for the hearing music comment.I thought i was going crazy just a little bit. Its happen quite recently lately...not music though, voices...anyhoo
ciao for now

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I dunno. If someone could pop through time, defeating foes and righting wrongs, a weird blog probably wouldn't be enough to get his attention. But one would think that if someone like that existed, we wouldn't have any problems in the world today, since he would have solved them all by now (and regardless of time, since he's independent of it). Since problems still exist, it's safe to assume that either "Dr. Who" does not exist, or he exists but does not have any appreciable effect on the world.

Plus, time is simply a concept, not a phenomenon. If today I change the configuration of the entire universe to exactly what it was a week ago, will we be in the past or present? The truth is that the universe doesn't know time; it simply passes from one state to another, and so "time travel" is really the task of reconfiguring the universe to a former or later state. In other words, time is simply change; if everything in the universe remains still, there is no change, and so there is no time. If I move my coffee cup to the right, I've caused change in that direction. If I move it back to its original position, I've reversed the change, and have effectively gone "back in time," since the end state is identical to the original.

Anyway, whatever. :)