Saturday, December 19, 2009

back on track

It has been a very, very long time since my last post, not that many people care since I have but one reader.
Anyhoo life has been busy mostly work since I have finally graduated from college, four long tedious years done and over with. Still debating about whether or not to go for my masters, but hey there is time.Right now I'm getting buy and doing my thing. Still fat and single, the fat one I could probably solve in a jiffy, the single part not so sure.
In other news no super strange happenings occurred, but my subconscious mind did warn me of my own stupidity in a dream. Too bad i ignored it and went ahead with my stupid plan...would have save time if I had only listened.
continuing on.....
So in 2012 some pretty amazing things are suppose to happen, such as the event mankind seems to0 have bee predicting since the beginning the end of all things. I wonder if it's gonna be the real deal or is it just another y2k rerun? Thoughts ideas, feel free to comment, but plz don't be mean...also no sign of the Doctor but here's hoping.

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